Serving Central, West Central, and Southwest Florida

Brown Lawn Fungus Treatment in Florida

Brown Patch Fungus is a common issue faced by homeowners and landscapers. It typically manifests in warm and humid conditions, which makes Florida an ideal environment for the fungus to flourish. Lawn fungus can cause a range of problems, including aesthetic damage and serious health concerns for your grass. Fortunately, Arrow Environmental Services offers brown lawn fungus treatment services to get your lawn back on track.

Call us to schedule your brown lawn fungus removal today!

Brown lawn fungus in Florida

How to Identify Brown Patch Fungus 

Brown Patch Fungus is one of the most prevalent lawn diseases in Florida. The onset of these brown patches typically occurs during the period from September to May. Lawns with an abundance of trees and shade are particularly vulnerable, but even sunny areas can fall prey to lawn fungus.

What Does Brown Fungus Look Like?

At first, it will likely appear as a circular or oblong pattern of light-yellow discoloration. The yellowed areas will eventually transition to an orange hue and then to a tan, as it expands outward. The discoloration is the result of the lawn fungus infecting each blade of grass, leading to their decay. In the end, brown lawn fungus looks like a dead brown patch that won’t go away.

What Causes Brown Lawn Fungus?

Although there are many possible causes for brown patches on your lawn, this particular brown patch disease is caused by one specific lawn fungus.  Rhizoctonia solani thrives in warm, humid weather. That explains why it’s so common here, especially in the mid to late summer.

Lawn Care Tips to Prevent Brown Patch Fungus

Proper lawn care is essential to preventing Brown Patch Fungus from taking over your property. Here are some effective lawn care tips: 

  • Reducing Heavy Thatch: When thatch accumulation is excessive, it creates an ideal breeding ground for lawn fungus. To combat this, consider core aeration, which enhances water penetration in your soil while promoting better air circulation. 
  • Fertilizing: Nitrogen fertilizer can significantly impact your lawn’s health and appearance. For expert guidance on the right type and amount of fertilizer your lawn needs, consult a lawn care specialist. 
  • Proper Watering: Water is vital for your lawn, but overwatering dry soil can be detrimental. The onset of lawn fungus is more likely when water accumulates on grass blades without penetrating the soil, allowing fungi to thrive. 
  • Professional Fungicide: Even seemingly healthy lawns can foster Brown Patch Fungus. Early detection and swift fungicide treatment can have a substantial impact. However, always consult a lawn care professional before applying any treatment. 

What Kills Brown Fungus?

Killing brown fungus can be a lengthy process with many steps. To begin, you will need to aerate and dethatch your lawn and apply fungicide in impacted areas. This will greatly reduce the amount of fungus in your yard, but it may not eliminate it completely. If and when fungal patches re-appear, reapply fungicide as soon as possible. You may also reseed areas with different grass species. Warm-weather grasses are less likely to be affected than cool-weather grasses.

For best results and to save you a lot of frustration, we recommend working with a professional lawn care service that can take care of the problem quickly.

How Do You Treat Brown Grass Fungus?

When you work with us, we’ll do a full assessment of the brown fungus on your lawn and create a plan based on our findings. If the issue is relatively minor, we may be able to treat it with fungicide, dethatching, and aeration. If the issue is more widespread or severe, removing and replanting areas may be your best bet. Once we complete our assessment, we’ll discuss our findings with you and recommend your best options.

Professional Brown Lawn Fungus Removal

Dedicating time and energy to lawn care is crucial for Florida homeowners. Professional dedication is key to preventing Brown Patch Fungus from taking over significant portions of your lawn. Take action by contacting the experts at Arrow Services to identify, prevent, and treat lawn fungus, so you can enjoy a healthy and aesthetically pleasing lawn throughout the year.

Our commitment is to offer you top-notch programs for continuous fertilization, pest management, and the control of fungi, diseases, and weeds. Allow us to help keep your lawn and shrubs looking their best.

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Brown Lawn Fungus Treatment Serving Central, West Central and Southwest Florida

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