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House Mouse

Category Rodents

Actual Size: 5 to 8” long including the tail

Characteristics: Light brown to gray to nearly black. Large ears compared to the body.

Habitat: Outside, they build nests near trees. Inside, they inhabit wall voids, cabinets, and garages.


  • Rapid reproduction rates. 24 mice can multiply to 2000 mice in 8 months. 
  • Transmit disease pathogens, including salmonella. 
  • Will visit a food source up to 200 times in one night.

House Mice in Florida

The house mouse is considered the number one rodent pest in most U.S. cities. They are a commensal pest, which means they commonly live in proximity to humans, especially if adequate food and shelter are provided. House mice are active and thriving at all points of the year and are found in open fields, agricultural lands, homes, and commercial buildings. They will drop their feces and urine while they move, leading to food contamination on human and pet food. This contamination can cause diseases like salmonella in humans. Further, they will chew through walls and materials, leading to considerable structural damage.

House Mouse Habitat

When living outdoors, house mice will create nets in fields and under shrubs and trees. When living indoors, these mice are attracted to quiet places that are often undisturbed, such as garages, attics, wall voids, and kitchen cabinets. Their nests are constructed with finely shredded material or fibrous materials. Signs of active mice activity include droppings, tracks or rub marks, and fresh gnaw marks. They have an odor that is characterized as musky which can give away their presence as well. They are most active during the night but may be seen during the day.

House Mouse Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

House mice are omnivorous and will seek out cereals and grains. Through their foraging efforts, house mice commonly contaminate food and are responsible for the transmission of serious diseases like salmonella and the bubonic plague. Their gnawing and tunneling through walls can cause damage to building structures, including fires and explosions due to chewed wires that have caught on fire. 

Connect with a licensed rodent control company if you have a mouse infestation on your property.