Meadow Vole eating tall grass by a pond

Meadow Vole

Category Rodents

Actual Size: 3.5 to 5” in length, or 8” including their tails

Characteristics: Brown and black fur, small legs, and hidden ears. 

Habitat: Beneath the ground in underground burrows, typically in large patches of grass. 


  • Sometimes referred to as a “meadow mouse” or “field mouse.”
  • Poor climbing skills, so they aren’t often seen indoors.
  • Destroyers of landscaping, thanks to their underground tunnels.

Meadow Voles in Florida 

The meadow vole, often referred to as the “meadow mouse” or “field mouse,” is a rodent species native to North America. Unlike the slender appearance of typical rats and mice, meadow voles are characterized by their shorter tails and compact bodies. These rodents aren’t often found indoors due to their poor climbing skills. Instead, they thrive underground, creating intricate networks of tunnels and runways that can cause significant damage to lawns and landscaping. Their diet mainly consists of vegetation, including seeds and grasses, and their high reproductive rate often results in swift and extensive destruction in affected areas.


Meadow Vole Habitat

Meadow voles rarely venture out of their burrows, spending the majority of their time within underground tunnel networks. These burrows are typically shallow and relatively short, with nests made from woven grass, stems, and leaves, concealed under a layer of vegetation or ground cover. To reveal their hidden paths, regularly clear away any overgrown plants on your property. Additional signs of their activity include tiny green-tinted droppings, approximately 3/16 of an inch in length in size, and freshly cut grass near the entrances to their burrows.


Meadow Vole Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

These small rodents pose minimal health risks to humans due to their infrequent interaction, though they are capable of transmitting diseases such as plague and tularemia. While they rarely enter homes, they still cause significant problems for property owners by damaging crops, orchards, and young trees in their search for fresh food. These rodents are notorious for gnawing on tree trunks both at and below ground level, as well as for ruining lawns, ground covers, and golf courses. If an infestation is suspected, your best bet is to reach out to Arrow Environmental Services right away.