Roof Rat

Category Rodents

Actual Size: 13 to 15” long including the tail

Characteristics: Slender. Typically grayish to dark gray to black.

Habits: True to their name, they live and build nests off the ground by climbing canopies and vines.

  • Often referred to as the “black rat”  or “ship rat”.
  • The tail is longer than the length of their head and body combined. 
  • Prefer to live up high, such as attics and trees.

Roof Rats in Florida

Root rats are mostly restricted to the Coastal states of California, Oregon, and Washington, and the Southeast region of the U.S. Roof rats are commensal rodents, meaning they live near and depend on humans for survival. You can identify a roof rat by a hairless, long tail that is longer than the length of their body and head combined, whereas other rats have tails that are shorter than the head and body and have hair. When they invade homes, they are usually found in rooflines, attics, and eaves.

Roof Rat Habitat

Root rats prefer to live up high in climbing vines, tree canopies, or dense shrubs. These rats are able to climb exceptionally well since they have pads on their feet and a tail that assists them off the ground. Foraging for food will generally begin after sunset and they will access attics, garage storage, woodpiles, and other stored goods through the use of utility lines, trees, and fences. An initial sign of a roof rat infestation is scurrying sounds in the attic at night.

Roof Rat Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Roof rats are known to spread dozens of diseases, including Salmonella, rat-bite fever, and leptospirosis. While these rats forage for food, they spread disease by contaminating food intended for humans, livestock, and pets. Roof rats are omnivores, so eat animals and plants. They are especially fond of citrus fruit, pet food, pet feces, meat, grease, and bird seeds. These foods can often be found in storage sheds and BBQs. Another danger of roof rats is the damage they cause when nesting in attics and walls. They have a habit of chewing wires, which can eventually spark and lead to interior walls catching on fire. 

Removing a roof rat infestation can be addressed by contacting a licensed rodent control company.