American Dog Tick
Category Ticks
Actual Size: 3.6 mm to 5 mm
Characteristics: Oval-shaped bodies; brown to reddish-brown with white-gray markings.
Legs: 8
Antennae: No
Habitat: Shrubs and tall grasses.
Other Information:
- Also known as wood ticks.
- Most likely to bite during spring and summer.
- Can transmit diseases like tularemia and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
American Dog Ticks in Florida
The American dog tick is mostly found east of the Rockies, but have also been reported in a few places on the West Coast. They’re often found on dogs – hence the name – but certainly aren’t exclusive to dogs. Any animal that spends time in long grass could find themselves host to an American dog tick, including humans!
Ticks feed between each of their four life stages – egg, larva, nymph, and adult. They live for up to two years – and they can survive for months without food.
American Dog Tick Habitat
These ticks are found in areas with tall grass and shrubs. People are most likely to encounter them while on hikes or walks off the beaten path, but they can also show up in yards. They climb tall grass blades, shrubs, or other low-lying vegetation, hold their legs in the air, and wait to grab hold of a host as they walk past. If you, a pet, or any other animal happens to brush against the vegetation, the tick will climb aboard!
American Dog Tick Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers
Ticks are most active – and likely to bite – during the spring and summer. Humans can pick up ticks directly or via a pet carrying a tick. Since these parasites carry diseases like Rocky Mountain fever and tularemia, it’s important to check for ticks after you come inside from a walk through nature – even if you don’t think you touched any plants.
To prevent tick exposure, consider using insect repellent with an EPA-registered ingredient like DEET. Also, wear light-colored clothing; this makes it easier to spot ticks crawling along. Make sure to tuck your shirt into your pants, and your pants into your socks.
If you’re dealing with a tick problem, contact your local tick control experts for assistance.