Can Dengue Fever Reach Florida? in Central FL | Arrow Environmental Services

Can Dengue Fever Reach Florida?

Lately, Dengue fever has stirred up considerable attention, sparking debates about its potential spread to the United States. If you're residing in Florida and the thought of Dengue fever nearing your neighborhood has you on edge, here's a comforting update: the chances are significantly slim. Understanding the concern, we've compiled this article to equip you with vital knowledge about Dengue fever and its transmission methods.

How Is Dengue Fever Transmitted?

Contrary to some misconceptions, Dengue fever cannot be passed from one person to another directly. The disease is spread through the bites of Aedes mosquitoes that have bitten an infected individual, making them carriers. This creates a cycle of transmission in areas where Dengue is prevalent, highlighting the importance of controlling mosquito populations.

What is Dengue Fever?

Dengue fever is a significant health concern in over 100 countries, including parts of Africa, the Americas, the Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. Annually, between 100 to 400 million people are infected with the virus. While many do not show symptoms, severe cases of Dengue can occur, leading to serious illness in around 500,000 individuals and resulting in approximately 40,000 deaths each year. Symptoms of Dengue fever include:
  • High fever
  • Severe headache
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Skin rash, which appears two to five days after the onset of fever
  • Mild bleeding (such as nose bleed, bleeding gums, or easy bruising)

Should You Be Concerned About Dengue Fever?

In the United States, and particularly in Florida, the probability of contracting Dengue fever remains very low. To put it into perspective, it's less likely than winning the lottery. In 2023, Florida reported two cases of locally transmitted Dengue, emphasizing the rarity but possible presence of the disease. These occurrences remind us that diseases carried by mosquitoes can spread to new areas. Theories abound as to why Dengue is appearing in previously unaffected regions. For up-to-date information, the CDC's tracking of Dengue fever cases in the U.S. is a reliable resource.

Mosquito Control Experts in Florida

While Dengue fever is a remote possibility in Florida, concerns over mosquito presence are valid. For effective mosquito control services, Arrow Environmental Services is here to assist. Our expertise in managing mosquito populations offers you peace of mind, safeguarding your home and community against mosquito-related threats.
man in florida sick of mosquito bites - why does he get bit so much more than most people?

Why Do Mosquitoes Like Some People More Than Others?

Living in Florida, with its humidity and proximity to water, means mosquitoes are a common annoyance. These pesky insects can disrupt our outdoor activities, buzzing around our faces and leaving us with itchy bites. However, it seems that some individuals are more prone to mosquito bites than others. Recent research has begun shedding light on the answer to this age-old question: why do mosquitoes like to bite some people more than others?

The Role of Scent in Mosquito Attraction

Scientists have long been intrigued by the varying susceptibility of individuals to mosquito bites. A recent study conducted in Zambia has provided some insights into this phenomenon. Researchers created an environment to observe mosquito behavior when exposed to the scents of six sleeping individuals. Surprisingly, the mosquitoes were not solely attracted by body heat and carbon dioxide emissions. Instead, they exhibited a preference for the smell of carboxylic acid. Certain individuals in the study emitted scents that repelled the mosquitoes, while others seemed more appealing. 

Keeping Mosquitoes Away

Mosquitoes are drawn to water, making properties with water sources particularly attractive to them. To make your backyard barbecues and chores more enjoyable, it's essential to eliminate these water sources as much as possible. 
  • Regularly empty swimming pools and water toys.
  • Bring in outdoor equipment from rainstorms as they can collect water.
  • Keep rain gutters free of debris that can trap water.
Another effective measure is to keep your grass short. Mosquitoes tend to seek shade, especially during the hottest parts of the day. By regularly trimming your grass and shrubbery, you can reduce the number of mosquitoes on your property. If you're spending time outdoors, consider wearing longer clothing to minimize exposed skin. If this isn't practical, always remember to apply mosquito repellent. Look for products containing DEET, which effectively deters these pests. It's worth noting that mosquitoes can carry diseases like West Nile Virus, making it even more important to protect yourself.

What to Do If You're Bitten

Despite taking precautions, mosquito bites can still occur. If you find yourself with mosquito bites, there are a few simple remedies you can try. 
  • Wash the area with soap and water before applying any ointment or treatment options. 
  • Applying an ice cube to the affected area can provide relief and reduce swelling. Apply gentle pressure for several seconds for relief. 
  • Certain creams and lotions, such as calamine lotions or those containing antihistamines, to alleviate itching and discomfort.
Be aware of the mosquito bites that you have and watch for signs of infection and other mosquito-borne diseases. Be aware if the mosquito bite turns red, feels warm, or has a red streak spreading out from it. If you have complications, seek out a healthcare professional. 

Professional Mosquito Control with Arrow Environmental

For a long-lasting solution to mosquito problems, trust the professionals with Arrow Environmental Services. Our highly trained technicians possess the necessary equipment and expertise to effectively eliminate mosquito infestations. The Arrow Environmental mosquito reduction program starts with: 
  1. A thorough evaluation of mosquito sources around your home.
  2. Treat all mosquito resting and breeding areas. Reducing and repelling mosquitoes at every life stage. 
  3. One-time treatments or continual services are offered. 
So, whether you're planning a backyard gathering or simply enjoying the outdoors, be prepared to keep those bothersome mosquitoes at bay. Since 1958, Arrow Environmental has been utilizing innovative and safe pest control methods in the state of Florida. Schedule your services today to start living a pest-free life!
Mosquito on a person's skin in Florida | Arrow Services

Everything You Need to Know About the Malaria Outbreak in Florida

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently given a health alert to people living in Florida and Texas. As of June 26, 2023, the CDC has discovered several cases of malaria that were contracted within those states. But what does this mean, and how can you safeguard your health? The professionals at explain everything you need to know about the recent malaria health alert and provide tips on how you can protect yourself and your family.

What is Malaria? 

Malaria is a disease that can be very dangerous and even life-threatening. It spreads to people through mosquito bites. In the beginning, it often feels like having the flu, with symptoms such as shivering, muscle pain, throwing up, and feeling very tired. If left untreated, it can lead to severe problems like kidney failure, seizures, and other serious conditions. Most people start experiencing symptoms within four weeks after getting bitten by a mosquito carrying the infection. However, some people may not get sick until much later, even up to a year after they were first infected. If you think you might have malaria, it's crucial to seek immediate medical help for a diagnosis and treatment.

Why Are the Recent Malaria Cases Important?

Malaria is a disease that is found in many parts of the world, with a higher occurrence in tropical and subtropical regions. However, despite being a global concern, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a health advisory for these particular cases. The reason these malaria cases are significant is that they mark the first instances of locally transmitted cases in the United States since 2003. For the past 20 years, almost all cases of malaria in the US have been linked to individuals who recently traveled to regions where malaria is more common. Although the current outbreak is not widespread, it's crucial to contain the disease before it can pose a greater threat within the United States.

How Does Malaria Spread?

Despite common misconceptions, it's important to know that malaria cannot be passed from one person to another. It can only be transmitted through mosquitoes that carry the infection. This is why one of the most effective ways to prevent the disease is by taking steps to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes.

Tips for Preventing Mosquito Bites

It might feel challenging to avoid mosquitoes, especially during the summertime here in Florida. However, there are several actions you can take to shield yourself from mosquito bites:
  • Reduce mosquito populations in your surroundings: By minimizing the number of mosquitoes in your area, you can decrease your chances of getting bitten. Since mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, start by getting rid of even the tiniest puddles in your yard. Check areas like gutters, playground equipment, landscaping features, upturned buckets, and any spots where water might accumulate.
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants: While some mosquitoes can bite through clothing, wearing protective garments can make it more difficult for them to reach your skin.
  • Avoid going out at dawn and dusk: Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk. Staying indoors during these times can help you steer clear of large mosquito swarms and reduce the likelihood of being bitten.
  • Use mosquito netting and check your screens: Prevent mosquitoes from buzzing around your home by repairing any holes in your door and window screens. Consider sleeping under a mosquito net for added protection. You can also use mosquito netting to cover your porch, allowing you to enjoy the outdoors without worrying about bites.
  • Apply an EPA-registered repellent: The Environmental Protection Agency provides a list of registered products that can effectively repel mosquitoes and other pests. Visit their website to find the right repellent for your needs and learn how to apply it safely.
  • Avoid ineffective DIY methods: There are numerous tips and tricks on the Internet that claim to repel mosquitoes, but many of them are not worth the time, effort, or money—and some may even backfire. Check out our other blog to learn about mosquito prevention tips that are not effective.

Get Professional Mosquito Control

Are you facing mosquito troubles on your property? Feeling overwhelmed with mosquito prevention and need assistance to get started? Look no further! The knowledgeable team at is here to help. Our state-licensed mosquito control professionals have been proudly serving homes and businesses in Florida since 1958. We offer comprehensive mosquito control services that are based on Integrated Pest Management techniques for long-lasting results. With our expertise, we will develop a personalized treatment plan designed specifically for your space and lifestyle requirements. Say goodbye to mosquitoes on your property – give us a call today!